Post your Gamertag here
Mine is H0LY J3SUS If you add me just attach a voice saying your username to console discussions.
Post your Gamertag here
Mine is H0LY J3SUS If you add me just attach a voice saying your username to console discussions.
Last edited by H0LY.J3SUS; 01-18-2009 at 05:48 PM.
^^ Me!
Last edited by Pink Floyd; 12-14-2009 at 07:27 PM.
Yeah, idiot.
Led Zeppelin
Adam Andersen likes his women how he likes black people. He doesn't like black people.
Big Red Fire055
..::!!BIG RED FIRE MF!!::..
Pinned btw.
well mine is "KSI UnDeAdRaVeN"
recruiting call for all who want to join message me on xbox live!!
I'm too lazy to update my gamertag on my profile, but currently my gamertag is angryapple5000. Add it if you want.
Signatures are like sooo last year, man.
Mezzy xX add me --ONLY-- if you play MLG Customs. Please attatch a message saying your from here too so i know your not some random.
Rigalic Reign
The O.G.K. wants you! Fans of anime and manga unite. February 17, 2011 is Eternal Negi Fever Day! Sethrigal VI Reign commands you to celebrate that day!
mine is U7VK7VOW7V.i mostly beast rock i play guitar
Original U7VK7VOW7V,All others ARE FAKE!!
Myspace,Add Me-----v
KeeP It oRIgiNAL
Follow Me @KeepItOriginal
Well IF i had one it would be CC. Plain & simple. I think i made one actually when i rented the xbox 360. So one of the people that has the memory card could IMPERSONATE me.
Every man for himself. You trust no one but yourself, if you want something done you do it your self don't rely on others. You watch your own back, you fight your own fights its you against the world.
Originally Posted by Some phag