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Thread: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

  1. #191
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    User Info Menu

    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    Quote Originally Posted by -.Z3U5.- View Post
    To make a clan tag imposter create the MEME with the generator & get the code into your UCUS-98645.txt Database. Then go into socom press the music button TWICE. So you toggle white codes on then off real quick. ( You shouldn't have any codes highlighted yet anyways. ) Now go into your NitePR and press X. X NOT [] Press X on it so its white. Now make sure your codes are all OFF! Go into social and go to create a clan click the clan tag & press the music button. Your clan tag should show up in the text box.
    What can I say? Rep+! I've been trying to make a tag for my friend but couldn't make it, lol. Thanks!

  2. #192
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

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    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    you r such a help

  3. #193
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

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    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    how do i get the organization ting

  4. #194
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    User Info Menu

    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    I noticed this code was missing:

    #Fast Lock-On
    ;Credit: Unknown
    0x005F3050 0x3F950000
    0x005F3054 0x3F950000
    0x005F3058 0x479CCCCD
    0x005F34C8 0x3F950000
    0x005F34CC 0x3F950000
    0x005F34D0 0x479CCCCD
    0x005F3A84 0x3F950000
    0x005F3A88 0x3F950000
    0x005F3A8C 0x479CCCCD
    0x005F4040 0x3F950000
    0x005F4044 0x3F950000
    0x005F4048 0x479CCCCD
    0x005F4620 0x3F950000
    0x005F4624 0x3F950000
    0x005F4628 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f4cc8 0x00000009
    0x005f4d08 0x00000003
    0x005F4C00 0x3F950000
    0x005F4C04 0x3F950000
    0x005F4C08 0x479CCCCD
    0x005F509C 0x3F950000
    0x005F50A0 0x3F950000
    0x005F50A4 0x479CCCCD
    0x005F5610 0x3F950000
    0x005F5614 0x3F950000
    0x005F5618 0x479CCCCD
    0x005F5BF0 0x3F950000
    0x005F5BF4 0x3F950000
    0x005F5BF8 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f60D4 0x3F950000
    0x005f60D8 0x3F950000
    0x005f60DC 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f6558 0x00000009
    0x005f6500 0x3F950000
    0x005f6504 0x3F950000
    0x005f6508 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f695c 0x00000009
    0x005f6908 0x3F950000
    0x005f690C 0x3F950000
    0x005f6910 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f6CF0 0x3F950000
    0x005f6CF4 0x3F950000
    0x005f6CF8 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f71F8 0x3F950000
    0x005f71FC 0x3F950000
    0x005f7200 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f76B8 0x3F950000
    0x005f76BC 0x3F950000
    0x005f76C0 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f7B74 0x3F950000
    0x005f7B78 0x3F950000
    0x005f7B7C 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f8034 0x3F950000
    0x005f8038 0x3F950000
    0x005f803C 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f84F4 0x3F950000
    0x005f84F8 0x3F950000
    0x005f84FC 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f89FC 0x3F950000
    0x005f8A00 0x3F950000
    0x005f8A04 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f8ebc 0x3F950000
    0x005f8ec0 0x3F950000
    0x005f8ec4 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f96e8 0x00000009
    0x005f9670 0x3F950000
    0x005f9674 0x3F950000
    0x005f9678 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f9af0 0x00000009
    0x005f9A78 0x3F950000
    0x005f9A7C 0x3F950000
    0x005f9A80 0x479CCCCD
    0x005f9efc 0x00000009
    0x005f9E84 0x3F950000
    0x005f9E88 0x3F950000
    0x005f9E8C 0x479CCCCD
    0x005fa308 0x00000009
    0x005fa290 0x3F950000
    0x005fa294 0x3F950000
    0x005fa298 0x479CCCCD
    0x005fa714 0x00000009
    0x005fa69C 0x3F950000
    0x005fa6A0 0x3F950000
    0x005fa6A4 0x479CCCCD
    0x005faafc 0x00000009
    0x005faAA8 0x3F950000
    0x005faAAC 0x3F950000
    0x005faAB0 0x479CCCCD
    0x005faf04 0x00000009
    0x005fae8c 0x3F950000
    0x005fae90 0x3F950000
    0x005fae94 0x479CCCCD
    0x005fb2ec 0x00000009
    0x005fb298 0x3F950000
    0x005fb29C 0x3F950000
    0x005fb2A0 0x479CCCCD
    0x005fbaac 0x00000009
    0x005fbA58 0x3F950000
    0x005fbA5C 0x3F950000
    0x005fbA60 0x479CCCCD
    0x005fbe8c 0x00000009
    0x005fbE38 0x3F950000
    0x005fbE3C 0x3F950000
    0x005fbE40 0x479CCCCD
    0x005fc26c 0x00000009
    0x005fc218 0x3F950000
    0x005fc21C 0x3F950000
    0x005fc220 0x479CCCCD
    0x005fc648 0x00000009
    0x005fc5F4 0x3F950000
    0x005fc5F8 0x3F950000
    0x005fc5FC 0x479CCCCD

  5. #195
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

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    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    hey ppl
    wheres the socom ftb2 codes

  6. #196
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

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    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    y when i have unlimited health some other hacker comes and kills me??????

  7. #197
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

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    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    Quote Originally Posted by aero08 View Post
    hey ppl
    wheres the socom ftb2 codes
    They are on the first page, im guessing? lol...

    Quote Originally Posted by FBIKILLA View Post
    y when i have unlimited health some other hacker comes and kills me??????
    He probably had No Restrictions on and knifed you.
    +Rep If i helped

  8. #198
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

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    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    Thanks Alot, very helpfull

  9. #199
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

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    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    thanks for the codes johnny

  10. #200
    Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    User Info Menu

    Re: Socom FTB2 Patch Version 1.50 Codes *Updated 6/12/08 11:00 P.M.*

    how about updating the archives
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    Rep :<Current>(230) + <Previous>(207)= <Total>(437)
    AdamAndersen aka Pink Floyd
    [12-03, 18:47] taking it in the ass IS...
    [12-03, 18:47] giving sex to another man isn't exactly gay...
    [12-03, 18:45] ill suck your dick if you suck mine. dealio?

    Adam Andersen: I give him a hug every night after we make love.

    Rigalic Reign: I too had a sexual encounter with a female in kindergarten
    CoDeX: Don't talk about last week.

    [Today 03:56 PM] Sneaky Poptart: They haven't dropped yet?
    [Today 03:24 PM] BioHazardouz: My nuts
    [Today 01:42 PM] RageRaft: Whats up guys.

    When in doubt. Get the f*ck out!

    CoDeX is like buttsecks. Some people like him. Most think he is a pain in the ass.

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