cool program but i have a mac lol :(
cool program but i have a mac lol :(
Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
Clan: [M87ELR]
Isnt it easyer to learn the "real" way to port. I mean it just show u, what u also see on the top of ps2dis
Sorry if you dont understand me, i m from germany
Johnny no offense but a port helper is stupid wat it do switches around the hex value four times does absoultely nothing wouldn't get better results. All ppl have to do is type in the 4 bytes wats so hard about tht. I if actually does something to finding your code bttr than prove me wrg after all u created it. But i c absoultely nothing diffrent from grey box.
yh, me too, that just spoiled my first trys to port:mellow:
Sorry if you dont understand me, i m from germany
that helps a bunch
My FTB2 IGN: Agent XYZ
Lamb of God Rocks!!!!!!!!! :punk: