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Thread: Freeze Boot!

  1. #11
    Freeze Boot!

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    allright but they shudnt do it anyway
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  2. #12
    Freeze Boot!

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    It is a joker, it will ban 100% of the time.

  3. #13
    Legend of Socom

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    yes thats true redelite but some jokers like revive suicide wont if u use it quick enough

  4. #14
    Freeze Boot!

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    Quote Originally Posted by swat007j View Post
    pllzz remove this dude dont ruin socom more!!! NOOB will be booting 24/7
    Swat dont even talk. I hate you for obvious reasons. You are the biggest noob ever.

    to guitarmaster, I do respect you and I understand what you're saying. But you have to understand that idc about socom anymore. 1.7 patch is right around the corner. Let the noobs go ahead and boot. Just means we'll have to come out with a better anti-booting system. Here is an Anti Freeze boot not many people have.

    #Anti-Freeze(NO 35)
    0x00563ACC 0x00000072

  5. #15
    Freeze Boot!

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    to guitarmaster, I do respect you and I understand what you're saying. But you have to understand that idc about socom anymore. 1.7 patch is right around the corner. Let the noobs go ahead and boot. Just means we'll have to come out with a better anti-booting system. Here is an Anti Freeze boot not many people have.

    #Anti-Freeze(NO 35)
    0x00563ACC 0x00000072
    Ty for the anti freeze dude
    and ya kno post all the boots u want.
    But just dont post stuff cause u dont care about ftb2, because there are plenty of people that still do care lol.

    Don't get me wrong anyway

    like everyone else when i see a boot i dont have i get em right away lol.
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  6. #16
    Legend of Socom

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    i care hence the reason no one see anything i create. and alot of stuff i made in 1.5 would have destroyed socom

  7. #17
    Freeze Boot!

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    Quote Originally Posted by GuItArMaStA View Post
    Ty for the anti freeze dude
    and ya kno post all the boots u want.
    But just dont post stuff cause u dont care about ftb2, because there are plenty of people that still do care lol.

    Don't get me wrong anyway

    like everyone else when i see a boot i dont have i get em right away lol.
    See i like guitarmasta thanks for understanding and theirs been a lot of booting in socom since they started posting boot codes.

  8. #18
    Legend of Socom

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    booting will never end either

  9. #19
    Freeze Boot!

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    thats for sure. all that will happen is it will be prolonged.

  10. #20
    Freeze Boot!

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    Re: Freeze Boot!

    see i like guitarmasta thanks for understanding and theirs been a lot of booting in socom since they started posting boot codes.
    yeaaaaaaaaa booooooy
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

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