it doesnt work..atleast nt for me...
Wow thats deep dude lolwhats the purpose of hacking? to enrich the game for yourself and ruin it for others. unless your a good hacker and dont even use your codes unless its for a reason and i know that thats what EVERYONE says, but i know that its not true. every single person would say that.
Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
Clan: [M87ELR]
umm read the thing lol
nice one ive seen this in a room once...someone accidentally left their adress on thir psp forgot what it was called i think mac adress and then someone changed it then did somehting with his psp...then the persom aimed me and said his psp is broken now...=]
Clan: [Nø¿Fear]
this ish goes hard johnny
lol, its no ban for sure? will it error35?
its no ban and is this how u put virus uploading and shit cause thats hilarious
It works perty good I like it but have seen it befor