i know
you did not even test these I just did and don't any of them even work no rep!!!!
EVERY ONE don't wasted your time with these they look nice to have if they work but O well
no not everyone can see it....only you can thats why its a crappy text mod...what you do is you take the code, copy it to your browser, and go over to the writing in the ascii and change it how you want, or you could go to your search text and search something, find the code that looks right, and paste it in your browser and change it to what you want..theres no point to these so who cares
Rep + if you want....
Somebody Helps You, Always REP+
IT WOULD BE..but thats not how it works. all it does is it edits the game for you...kinda like normal codes....think about it... a flash code, it edits your speed so you can run faster, but think if it edited everyones speed so everyone ran faster....that would be pretty cool i think, but not for other stuff
if EVERY body in the room could run faster i think that would get kinda annoying LOL
Somebody Helps You, Always REP+