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Thread: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

  1. #151
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    Quote Originally Posted by Papa fritos View Post
    Johnny, not to rain on your parade of a god. but i tried this out and i was reported cheating when i used this....did i do something wrong with installing this?
    Someone reported you for using it? I never said the PRX would stop people from doing that... It's Anti-Boot, no Mind-Control... Bsides if someone booted the room and you stayed in it then that means that they either tried to boot you or they have an Anti-Boot too. So if either of them is the case... Report them lol.

    I haven't even updated this PRX since it got released, so I'm not even sure if Smokin's Anti-Boot works anymore. If it doesn't... O well.

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  2. #152
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

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    Talking Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    Quote Originally Posted by GuItArMaStA View Post
    lol y r they \\\ lol
    Johnny has to put it that way cause it wont work like this / his psp is retarted like that......

    ----Added 21/9/2009 at 8:36 PM----
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMcKinney View Post
    Someone reported you for using it? I never said the PRX would stop people from doing that... It's Anti-Boot, no Mind-Control... Bsides if someone booted the room and you stayed in it then that means that they either tried to boot you or they have an Anti-Boot too. So if either of them is the case... Report them lol.

    I haven't even updated this PRX since it got released, so I'm not even sure if Smokin's Anti-Boot works anymore. If it doesn't... O well.

  3. #153
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    Okay well i seen a lot of people ask A TON of questions so hopefully this can help any of you people,

    1.- This does not prevent error 35, its just a anti-boot to keep hackers from kicking you out (taunt boot, lobby boot, vote boot etc..)

    2.- Connect your PSP to your computer with the USB, go into your seplugins and open up "game txt" and put this in "ms0:/seplugins/antiboot.prx" then drag the "antiboot.prx" in the seplugins (where nitePR, game.txt, and nitePR.prx are at)

    3.- Turn off your PSP and go into the recovery screen (click R for about 5 seconds then turn it on) then go to plugins and enable "antiboot.prx" and exit.

    4.- The "antiboot.prx" will always be turned on, and you will probably still get ERROR 35 if you put some hacks that are easily detected or what ever.

    And I guess thats it. :D

  4. #154
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    you cant get banned anymore?

  5. #155
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    off topic> The only anti i use is the true anti (it has anti35,antiboot) works good

  6. #156
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    I got it and it did not work and i know i did everything correctly cause ive been hacking of like 5 year but im going to try the / not the \.

    ----Added 25/1/2010 at 7:25 PM----
    ok i got it to work

  7. #157
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    Doesn't need it won't ban right

  8. #158
    Most Wanted

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    for whoever sake this does not give error 35 and u will still get booted! "color screen boot"
    HI man................. FU!

    Rep+ Donate ! If i help

  9. #159
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    yo question, what error does this prevent?

  10. #160
    Socom God

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    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    ima try this ;)
    SOCOM FBT2&3. i love to hack for good reasons!

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