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Thread: claymore tower

  1. #1
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Exclamation claymore tower

    ok everyone knos tht there is a pmn tower but i was think along with my buddy on socom tht it would be awsome to do a claymore tower to then ppl overheard us n they said tht would be great so if u could try or make one plzzzzzz n tell me if u make one THX:blink:

  2. #2
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Re: claymore tower

    i already requested this ....!!!!!! but yeah itd be cool, but same thing

  3. #3
    Vv.i.Z.D.o.M Is KeY

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    Re: claymore tower

    that would be pimp status....

  4. #4
    claymore tower

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    Re: claymore tower

    yea tht would be kool

  5. #5

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    Re: claymore tower

    yhea that would be cool and they wont blow up cause you have to use the detenator

  6. #6
    claymore tower

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    Re: claymore tower

    yea it shouldnt be to hard to change some values n stuff from the pmn code to make it compatible for the clyamores. but what do i no i dont even know how to make codes. lol

  7. #7
    claymore tower

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    Re: claymore tower

    thatd be the shit but know 1 will make it

  8. #8
    claymore tower

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    Re: claymore tower

    yea true, its gonna either take forever to make or know one cares about it and no ones gonna make it. ]=

  9. #9
    claymore tower

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    Re: claymore tower

    Hey sorry to say this but...... claymores aren't solid. Like you can lay on them and go right through them.:sad: I know it sucks.

  10. #10
    Bl4Ck.KiD...'s B!tch

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    Arrow Re: claymore tower

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter619 View Post
    Hey sorry to say this but...... claymores aren't solid. Like you can lay on them and go right through them.:sad: I know it sucks.
    yes he is right clay mores arernt solid i know but u can still have fun by locking the guns and then making a big exposion:laugh::laugh::laugh:

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