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Thread: claymore tower

  1. #11
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Re: claymore tower

    the only code that is close to this is the claymore lines
    by swat
    it bans tho
    ;ported by SWAT007J
    0x005FE1AC 0x00000001
    0x005FE1D4 0x00000000
    0x00282c28 0x1000000d
    0x00282c2c 0x1000000d
    0x00282c6c 0x1000000d
    0x00282c70 0x1000000d
    0x00307a20 0x00C52821
    0x00307450 0x00C52821
    0x0027DE04 0x0A407974
    0x0081E5D0 0x3C1908B1
    0x0081E5D4 0x3C1809A8
    0x0081E5D8 0x8F0FE1E4
    0x0081E5DC 0x200E0200
    0x0081E5E0 0x15EE0002
    0x0081E5E8 0xAF20EA88
    0x0081E5EC 0x200E0100
    0x0081E5F0 0x15EE0004
    0x0081E5F8 0x3C0D0E2C
    0x0081E5FC 0x21AD4DD9
    0x0081E600 0xAF2DEA88
    0x0081E604 0x03e00008
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  2. #12
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Re: claymore tower

    i may be new to this but i know that if you want to make a big explosion then just use rapid claymores or find a shoot claymore code

  3. #13
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Re: claymore tower

    I already tried doing this. It doesn't work. I'm not a coder or anything, but I was smart enough to change the PMN addresses to Claymore addresses. And they don't work.

    I thought of this idea about 3 weeks ago because the PMNs keep blowing up and I knew that Claymores nees the detonator. So I didn't want anyone finding out about it because I wanted to be the first to try and make one. Then I made it. And it doesn't work. Few weeks later, someone (YOU) came up with the same suggestion.
    .: PSN iD - KaoTiiK_ReFLeX :.

  4. #14
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Re: claymore tower

    Here you go

    #Rapid Claymore
    0x005FE1AC 0x00000001
    0x005FE1D4 0x00000000

  5. #15
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Re: claymore tower

    Claymore towers wont work cause claymores arent solid....

    When you lay down on a claymore you go right through it....pmns ,on the other hand, are actually solid since u have to walk over them for them to blow; which is why they can be stacked....

    to get a claymore tower youd have to fing a way to make them so they actually have some substance.
    Socom FTB2 Name :


    When life gives you lemons, find someone who's life is giving them Vodka.

  6. #16
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Re: claymore tower

    U cnt make a tower with claymores. It just doesn't work like pmns do
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  7. #17
    claymore tower

    User Info Menu

    Re: claymore tower

    That would be very cool but there's only claymore lines so far as if i know as, and the hack when you get knifed they get banned does exist.

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