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Thread: just a word of advice

  1. #1
    just a word of advice

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    just a word of advice


    Now i might have just started hacking last week, but i know that inorder to achieve not being banned remember to:
    1: Corrupt psid (if using nite pr)
    2: turn cheats of constantly
    3: if game stops during middle of a round and is about to save something just turn of wlan switch and eject the disk (dont know if it is helpfull but better to be safe)
    4: try to change your name
    5: if alot of people are hacking in one room try to do it as least as possible in that room because detectors will get attracted to that room.

    Again, i started hacking last week so i am a noob at it. Hope this helped some of you other newbie hackers, remember try to have fun and tell your friends that are interested in hacking about this website.


    Have any tips for me feel free to tell me so, and also i intend to be as active as possible on these forums, i like talking with people. yes i have a life i just have some free time wich at the moment is CONSOLEDISCUSSION time.

    Spent a while edditing this to make the forums mods have an easier job.
    By the way mods tell me anything i should know to not be a pain in the butt.

    I am not a noob anymore.
    Last edited by superted; 07-30-2009 at 05:51 PM. Reason: Spell

  2. #2
    just a word of advice

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    Re: just a word of advice

    lol, people are going to look at this and call u a noob. Thanks for your concern
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  3. #3
    Ratatat FTW!

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    Re: just a word of advice

    aww dont be so mean to him he just wants to know how things rool around these parts... lawl

  4. #4
    just a word of advice

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    Re: just a word of advice

    Well, it just for some other newbie hackers, i am a noob with nite pr, but not with the game. my real person is daretodoit.

  5. #5

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    Re: just a word of advice

    its ok...dont wrry and dont call urself a noob...everyone started as a noob....u cant just go pro startin a game....

  6. #6
    just a word of advice

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    Re: just a word of advice

    Quote Originally Posted by -Skyance- View Post
    aww dont be so mean to him he just wants to know how things rool around these parts... lawl
    yea..... Skyance is right

  7. #7
    just a word of advice

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    Re: just a word of advice

    Well, i just figured out what to do, ive been practicingm, but i cant find infinite health

  8. #8
    Legend of Socom

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    Re: just a word of advice

    Quote Originally Posted by p1nOy_pandesal View Post
    its ok...dont wrry and dont call urself a noob...everyone started as a noob....u cant just go pro startin a game....
    if ppl think they r pros being hackers in a game then u ppl r pathetic. u cheat to play a game that was easy.

  9. #9
    just a word of advice

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    Re: just a word of advice

    LOL good job! Not bad for a NOOb...

  10. #10
    just a word of advice

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    Re: just a word of advice

    yo, short respon, why you might ask, answer is secret
    (will make better signature)

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