HEY! Gartips is kewl guys so STFU mutha fucking haters.
lol thats funny bb :)
Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
Clan: [M87ELR]
haha wow I didn't start hacking to hack "non hackers", im a non hacker right now until i get new motherboard for my PSP, so im on the non hackers side. I started hacking so i cud have some defense against glitchers and hackers, not to hack to have an advantage.
I started hacking so i could make coloured tags! :D
Dear OP,
You sir, are an idiot.
Hackers are not a different class of player, they are either players who have found no reason to play the game normally and wish to take advantage of the game code, or n00bz who think that hacking will make them better online players.
Secondly, watch your mouth. What would your mother say if she heard you talking like this.
Thirdly, Iv.Snipe is correct. Normal users do pwn people everyday.
So in conclusion, you sir, are an idiot, and a troll.
Good day.
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