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Thread: Dear hackers read this

  1. #21

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Wow.. how would it be a war? all you gotta do is boot which is stupid cuz they can come back anyways. and your probably a noob you just gunna get them banned for 1 day and then they'll come back. Some one delete this thread.

  2. #22
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    this war would be easy cuz it would be like every1 vs him so? like yeah 1056 boots coming at him and like 1 coming from him lol

    ----Added 17/2/2009 at 4:52 PM----
    if u realize he didnt replay cuzzz he got owned!!!!! lol

  3. #23
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.7upâ„¢ View Post
    this war would be easy cuz it would be like every1 vs him so? like yeah 1056 boots coming at him and like 1 coming from him lol
    That could not be the rules because there boots would work on their own team. It would be more like 1056 pissed off hackers with knives coming at him.
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  4. #24
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Quote Originally Posted by RUSTY View Post
    WOW...thats all i have 2 say...
    lol thats funny

    ----Added 18/2/2009 at 4:09 PM----
    Quote Originally Posted by cps3414 View Post
    That could not be the rules because there boots would work on their own team. It would be more like 1056 pissed off hackers with knives coming at him.
    dude by the way u can use the swith team boot:laugh:

  5. #25
    Ratatat FTW!

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    no really shut up now and someone close this thread cause the topic is solved and the awnser is, NO BODY GIVES 2 SHITS ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY QUERTY.

    haha, double kill, capured the flag and BOOM HEADSHOT.

    ChEErS MUTha FuCk


  6. #26
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    word fuck socom and anti35 lets start war

  7. #27
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    The dude who made this thread needs to get a life. Who fucking cares if the creators of the god damn game are stopping you from fucking cheating in it. Its a good fucking game without all you *CHEATERS* not hackers, in it. Especially all the leakers ( IV.SNIPER, Inf3cted.J0ka ) and leachers ( 5000 of our members ) So quit fucking crying if the non hackers want to play a fucking game without being booted or banned when they did nothing wrong except spend their money. Oops I mean WASTE their money on this game to be fucking booted, banned and become unable to play the game fairly without all you fucking noobs ruining it for them. Non noobs you know who you are. And look just because you fucking say you an anti-cheater doesn't mean you are one. Most of you fuck around online and cheat in any game you feel like. An anti-cheater doesn't use their cheats AT ALL. Who the fuck cares if someone comes in the game and boots you unless your using only Anti Boot your not a fucking anti-cheater. If you don't like being in a game with a hacker just fucking leave.

    Yes every time I said 'fucking' I mean't it!
    Every man for himself. You trust no one but yourself, if you want something done you do it your self don't rely on others. You watch your own back, you fight your own fights its you against the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Some phag
    -.BUS.-'s mommy says to Cannon, "I love you,
    I love you, I love you"
    The Cannon on the bus says, "I love you, too"
    All through the town.

  8. #28
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Just because you psp is hacked doesnt mean you are a hacker.
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    When in doubt. Get the f*ck out!

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  9. #29
    Ratatat FTW!

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Quote Originally Posted by -.Z3U5.- View Post
    The dude who made this thread needs to get a life. Who fucking cares if the creators of the god damn game are stopping you from fucking cheating in it. Its a good fucking game without all you *CHEATERS* not hackers, in it. Especially all the leakers ( IV.SNIPER, Inf3cted.J0ka ) and leachers ( 5000 of our members ) So quit fucking crying if the non hackers want to play a fucking game without being booted or banned when they did nothing wrong except spend their money. Oops I mean WASTE their money on this game to be fucking booted, banned and become unable to play the game fairly without all you fucking noobs ruining it for them. Non noobs you know who you are. And look just because you fucking say you an anti-cheater doesn't mean you are one. Most of you fuck around online and cheat in any game you feel like. An anti-cheater doesn't use their cheats AT ALL. Who the fuck cares if someone comes in the game and boots you unless your using only Anti Boot your not a fucking anti-cheater. If you don't like being in a game with a hacker just fucking leave.

    Yes every time I said 'fucking' I mean't it!
    I agree totally, except for Joka is a cool guy and he only leaked one code.

  10. #30
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    they cant close this thread cuz it is about socom and its in socom ftb2 chat? so yea...... i wish they could tho

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