hey guys I have the FTB3 CSO(761 MB) and just recently whenever i would join a game online i could get into the lobby and stuff just fine but when the game started i would just sit there and load....and load....and load. I tested to see if it would ever load and my PSP sat there for about an hour just....loading. It would do the same thing for SSP also, when i would start the game it would just load for forever. And yesterday I got the one from hoping maybe the CSO went bad or something and now when i first start the game it will just load at that black screen with the socom ftb3 logo on it with the gold loading thing in the bottom right for...forever. So does anyone have any ideas cause i really want to play it and haven't been able to for a while. And if someone could PLEASE give me a download for a known for FACT working pachted 1.10 download(CSO that most of the hacks work on). THANK in advance...