looks DMAed lol
looks DMAed lol
If you have an idea on a PSP related program that is ran on Windows PM me with some information on your idea please.
nope lol its not dma
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The template is fixed, me and some others were having some problems with it.
Lui t0, $ First half of the real controller address
Lw t0, $(t0) Second half of the real controller address
Lui t1, $ First half of the real code address, use the Negitive Rule
Ori t2, 0, $ Button value to activate
Ori t3, 0, $ Button value to de-activate
Lui t4, $ First half of the hacked value
Ori t5, t4 $ Second half of the hacked value
Lui t6, $ First half of the hex
Ori t6, t6 $ Second half of the hex
Bne t0, t2, $ Branches to the next bne
Sw t6, $(t1) Second half of the real code address- this needs to be t6(t1) cause this would turn it on so save hacked value
Bne t0, t3, $ Branches to the jr ra
Sw t5, $(t1) Second half of the real code address- needs to be t5(t1) to save
original value when off button is pressed
Jr ra
[Today 08:09 PM] _L96AW_RUSTY_: pwned!
[Today 08:08 PM] whatwentwrong: yes sir.
[Today 08:04 PM] HDC: How about you shut the fuck up
*HDC has just PWNED the Shitbox*
well try harder its simple