tyvm bro,i needed dat.
tyvm bro,i needed dat.
sry dont read this muchXD
please do not go bann and boot people for no reason!!!
your just increasing the gmes people play!
ok first where did yu get The controller address is 09b65d54
from ???? and second
orignal code:
#Instant Respawn
0x088aead0 0x10000010<----1c800005
Next, add the follow commands
lui t0, $088 b <-----shoudnt the (b) be a (a)
lui t1, $09b6
lw t2, $5d54(t1)
ori t3, zero, $0110
bne t2, t3, $08cf0f10 <---------and where did this come from ????
some1 who is a coder reply back :)
[Today 08:09 PM] _L96AW_RUSTY_: pwned!
[Today 08:08 PM] whatwentwrong: yes sir.
[Today 08:04 PM] HDC: How about you shut the fuck up
*HDC has just PWNED the Shitbox*