I'm just dropping by to see if there's any old hackers from the past still hanging around, and by old I mean from 2007 and back. If so, what's been happening in the socom scene, I've been out of the loop for a couple years now.
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I'm just dropping by to see if there's any old hackers from the past still hanging around, and by old I mean from 2007 and back. If so, what's been happening in the socom scene, I've been out of the loop for a couple years now.
I dont think im old??? Been playin since summer of 2008 hackin in feb of 09 :D
Ive been playing since November 2007.
And yeah, well the games dieing down alot, theres only 1 server thats usualy full now...
im not a hacker but ive been playing all the ftbs for like 2-3 years now...if you havnt heard ftb3 is now out and SOCOM 4 is coming out for ps3. theres also alot more custom firmwares and stuff since youve been playing
ohmehgawd yess!
original ps2 socom hacker!?!
socom 2 for ps2 was the shit!
socom for the ps2....?
he used to play it
you do know socom isn't just for psp
i know they have socom 1-3 for PS2 then ftb1-ftb3 for psp and soon to be SOCOM 4 for PS3
and combined assault and confrontation for the ps3
oh yeah i forgot about thoose...because ftb1 or ftb2 have a crosstalk mode for combined assault
I use to have a lot of socom videos on youtube until my account was deleted. This is the only known video of any codes I've made during the PS2 socom era:
YouTube- CC: Secret Codes, Harry's Codes
Here's another video of when my team [mvh] started hacking the first socom ftb:
YouTube- SOCOM FTB Hacks
Those were the best socoms, just 1 and 2, 3 and CA weren't that great. I only hacked ftb and ftb2 for the fun of it, playing them just wasn't any fun so I left the hacking scene.
I did get socom confrontation on ps3 and it was pretty decent, best game since socom 2 and the only one ive bought in 2 years.
those videos were pretty beast :)
i been around since aug. 2007
so youve been playing about a year longer then me.
Hey Harry, it's me poorkingz. I just wanted to let you know that I have just found the memory scanning function and with a routine that checks which addresses are being loaded from, I am able to use codes that ban without getting banned. I originally found it for FTB2 and the bypass can be ported to FTB1, S3, and probably other PS2 Socoms.
The anticheat uses a disguised or modified version of MD5. However, it still uses the same constants for initializing the digest. I found the function by tracing the usage of those constants. Finding this on the PS2 first would probably be very unlikely since it requires a deal of logging and getting banned as a result. Without NitePR's handy live memory viewer and hardware ID changer for bypassing bans, I couldn't have found it.
hey since most of yall are hackers can 1 or2 of yall make me a few ftb3 gamesaves?
shit im old. ibeen hacking since ftb1. idk whats been going on, lost my memory cards like 9 months ago.
I'm a old "hacker"
Username is : SOLDIER-42
Awww man, i used to play ftb2 when it first came out and the hacking was just beginning!!! the good old days hah /:
Darn, its sad how the games dead now.
Everything comes and goes.
I'm pretty old..
.Iv.Shooter was my username. Also known as DARK987
Shit son, Its so depressing logging into this site after disapeering for 2 years... I think I'll boot up ftb2 just for the fun of it :P
wow has it been a long time but im about to pick me up a psp within the next few weeks and thinking about picking up were i was i was Dark-IZI and was in the oDc on FTB2
Too bad socom servers no longer exist
Yeah its too bad those were fun days COD is the new socom
You can still access the servers with a PRX I heard though? Plus there is Xlink Kai.
how sad man.... :( im came from the ASTIG CLAN