- morelcalvet
- Date of Birth
- March 4, 1990 (35)
About morelcalvet
- Biography:
- If you decide to engage in self-development, you should do your best in all articles, honing your personality like a granite diamond. But if a diamond can be brought to an ideal, then there is no limit to perfection in working on oneself, and it is possible (and even necessary!) To dedicate one's whole life to it. Then, having passed the thorny and full of trials life path, you, turning back, with joy and inspiration will understand that you have passed it not in vain.
We are what we strive for, what we think about, what actions we take. The global goal of man is evolution, and now, when science makes new discoveries almost every day, and the accumulated stock of knowledge cannot be calculated, we can only evolve in one, but comprehensive direction - the development of our personality!
- Location:
- Tours, France
- Occupation:
- journalistanalytiker
- Gender:
- Male