My buddy in Afganistan

  1. You wish!
  2. Mine sweeper & IED trucks tail
  3. Truck 5
  4. The lost boys
  5. Playing Video Games. 
They basically get paid to get shot at and play PS3!
  6. Guitar Hero! 
Yep they play guitar hero and other video games in their downtime.
  7. Dan's toy truck, complete with mineroller
  8. This is the truck my buddy drives on an almost daily basis
  9. This truck sweeps for mines and explodes IED's before they can harm other passing Military vehicles
  10. M1A1 ABRAMS 2
  11. M1A1 ABRAMS
  12. How to get a Fillipino to shut up. 
My buddies buddy.  An awesome gunner too.
  13. Is that Hummer getting car jacked?
  14. Gater with Iraqi soldiers
  16. Rock on! Live free or die trying. 
My Marine buddy.  He's been in about 9 years and been to the middle east for like 3 tours.
  18. ASV
Showing photos 1 to 18 of 18