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Thread: Why FTB3? Why?

  1. #1
    Why FTB3? Why?

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    Exclamation Why FTB3? Why?

    There are WAY too many cheaters! Just today, I got frozen five times in a row. Why the hell would anyone go into a room and freeze the game? There are also people with MM-1 gamesaves and God do they use them. I don't care if somebody uses them just once, but come ON! The cheating situation is getting worse day-by-day, but Sony isn't going to do shit about it because they sit on their lazy asses while we're getting cheated. If you're reading this Sony, you'd better fix this problem straight away.

  2. #2
    Nuclear Hacker

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    Re: Why FTB3? Why?

    Thats just how nubs are. We just have to hack back(hehe that rhymes). (Also this is a hacking site, so someone's going to flame you when they post.)

    Sometimes it's Slant Six's connection fails, because I get froozen in co-op:(
    Last edited by BioHazardouz; 09-13-2010 at 08:45 PM.

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  3. #3

    User Info Menu

    Re: Why FTB3? Why?

    That's just how nubs are these days. Not Caring for the game just the hacks but eh... whats there to do about it? We all knew that ftb3 would get fucked up far more quicker then ftb2. Don't even try blaming the coders that made the freezes and boots, instead blame the lifeless fags that boot and freeze room just for the hell of it.

  4. #4
    Nuclear Hacker

    User Info Menu

    Re: Why FTB3? Why?

    I agree, and thanks for not flaming him.

    RTR = Read The Rules (You can put a "F" after the T if you want to anyone who got the joke)
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