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Thread: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

  1. #1

    Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    If you spell "Chuck Norris" in Scrabble.... you Win, forever.

    Aliens Do exist.. They just know better than to come to a planet where Chuck Norris is on.

    Chuck Norris wears the orion belt around his pinky toe... and Eats the big dipper.

    On Chuck Norris's Birthday, He chooses one lucky Child to be thrown in the Sun.

    Ozzy obourne bites the heads off Bats.. Chuck Norris Bites the Heads off Siberian Tigers.

    Chuck Norris can round house kick you and alter your DNA so much.. Your descendents will Clutch their head and say "What the hell was that!?"

    They say Curiosity killed the cat.. That is false.. Chuck norris killed each and every one of them.

    Chuck Norris needs a monkeywrench and a blow torch to masturbate.

    Chuck Norris has never won a Academy Award for acting... Because he's not acting.

    When God said, "let there be light".... Chuck Norris Replied .. "Say Please"

    Chuck Norris Doesn't take showers.. He takes Blood-Baths.

    Every body loves ramond, Except For chuck norris.

    Chuck Norris Can squeez lemon juice,, out of an orange.

    Chuck Norris does not have hair on his Balls... Because Hair Does not grow on Steel.

  2. #2
    Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

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    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    wow, lame chuck jokes, great...

  3. #3

    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    I know huh!!!...

  4. #4
    Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    User Info Menu

    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    um ok?

  5. #5

    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    Poor sportsmanship -_- it"s the thought that counts

  6. #6
    Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

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    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    Lmao, no matter how many times I see this..

    "Chuck Norris doesn't have hair on his balls, because hair doesn't grow on steel."

    I laugh my fuckin ass off. Its hilarious every time I see it.
    Every man for himself. You trust no one but yourself, if you want something done you do it your self don't rely on others. You watch your own back, you fight your own fights its you against the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Some phag
    -.BUS.-'s mommy says to Cannon, "I love you,
    I love you, I love you"
    The Cannon on the bus says, "I love you, too"
    All through the town.

  7. #7
    Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

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    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    Quote Originally Posted by -.Z3U5.- View Post
    Lmao, no matter how many times I see this..

    "Chuck Norris doesn't have hair on his balls, because hair doesn't grow on steel."

    I laugh my fuckin ass off. Its hilarious every time I see it.
    He has rust on his balls for hair.
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    AdamAndersen aka Pink Floyd
    [12-03, 18:47] taking it in the ass IS...
    [12-03, 18:47] giving sex to another man isn't exactly gay...
    [12-03, 18:45] ill suck your dick if you suck mine. dealio?

    Adam Andersen: I give him a hug every night after we make love.

    Rigalic Reign: I too had a sexual encounter with a female in kindergarten
    CoDeX: Don't talk about last week.

    [Today 03:56 PM] Sneaky Poptart: They haven't dropped yet?
    [Today 03:24 PM] BioHazardouz: My nuts
    [Today 01:42 PM] RageRaft: Whats up guys.

    When in doubt. Get the f*ck out!

    CoDeX is like buttsecks. Some people like him. Most think he is a pain in the ass.

  8. #8

    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    CDX.. You just made me laugh!!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

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    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiNiST3R-Sp4rK View Post
    CDX.. You just made me laugh!!!! ahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh no!

    Chuck Norris goes to penis like alchohol goes to an alchoholic
    Every man for himself. You trust no one but yourself, if you want something done you do it your self don't rely on others. You watch your own back, you fight your own fights its you against the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Some phag
    -.BUS.-'s mommy says to Cannon, "I love you,
    I love you, I love you"
    The Cannon on the bus says, "I love you, too"
    All through the town.

  10. #10
    Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

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    Re: Some Chuck Norris Jokes.

    Quote Originally Posted by -.Z3U5.- View Post
    Oh no!

    Chuck Norris goes to penis like alchohol goes to an alchoholic
    dude,alchohol goes to the crack addict remember :p

    Off Topic:
    Did you know if you stick a beer bottle in your ass hole,you will get drunk 5 times faster,but get alchohol poinsioning like twice as fast

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