Meh UG, EC, they all came from the same place.
Meh UG, EC, they all came from the same place.
Rules are HERE. They have been updated as of May 30th 2013 at 5:00 A.M.
If you see a topic that a link is broken, the information is no longer correct, the content has been patched, or a rule is being broken please use the button. Thanks.
NOFX did have a DB Backup but it was outdated.
As for QJ he lost the VB info(dumbass). And ed is going to try to contact vbsupport to see if he can recover the info with the ip licensed to that VB.
As for phpbb, as someone said before its clean and easy and FREE! And even Afta agreed that UG would be better off with phpbb instead of VB until the sit progress's more. Hopefully all you will help out with UG. Cause hopefully it will be one of the last sites standing around this community, and hopefully CD.
Thanks all!
[Today 08:09 PM] _L96AW_RUSTY_: pwned!
[Today 08:08 PM] whatwentwrong: yes sir.
[Today 08:04 PM] HDC: How about you shut the fuck up
*HDC has just PWNED the Shitbox*