someone should photoshop sarah palins head over that face lol. then send it to the news LOL. Headline: "Sarah Palin beats the shit out of Obama!"
someone should photoshop sarah palins head over that face lol. then send it to the news LOL. Headline: "Sarah Palin beats the shit out of Obama!"
Light up the Darkness - Bob Marley
okay ...
imagine her wacking you off and she accidentally squeezes hard ...
your screwed... ]
and would you want a girlfriend that makes you look like a dam wimp ?
Somebody Helps You, Always REP+
wow now thats sexy haha
Somebody Helps You, Always REP+
Delicious pic :p
but that fat guy in the back fuckks up the whole picture ahhaa
Somebody Helps You, Always REP+
lol look at the fat guy looking at their asses in the background lol. he's smiling LOL.
Light up the Darkness - Bob Marley
hhaha yeah i didnt even notice him
haha until i actually took my eyes off the girls
Somebody Helps You, Always REP+