Feel free to post your codes, here are my codes (KINDA LONG) just copy and paste int ur UCUMS folder (whichever one you have) ;SOCOM FIRETEAM BRAVO 2 ;Patch Version 1.50 Codes ;--SA7VDJVIA7V--'s Uber hax #Anti 35 (1) ;Thanx to Silo, NOFX and --SA7VDJVIA7V-- ;Ported by DemonSpawn/PspNoobz this works iv been using it for a while 0x002E54FC 0x00000000 #Anti 35 (2) ;Silo+NOFX 0x0037ba50 0x00000000 #Anti Error 12 ;Credit smokin ;Cheat Hz 31 0x00503D1C 0x00000003 #Inf Health ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Never die 0x0026d07c 0x03e00008 0x0026d080 0x00000000 0x0026d958 0x03e00008 0x0026d95c 0x00000000 #True No Fall Damage ;When you fall you do not lose health 0x005D2FD4 0x477A0000 0x0055EE50 0x477A0000 0x0055EE54 0x477A0000 #No Knee Break ;When you fall your knees do not break 0x00261FB0 0x03E00008 0x00261FB4 0x00000000 #No Shotgun Knock Back ;No falling to the ground from shotguns 0X004982A4 0x447A0000 #Infinite Ammo ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Never run out of ammo 0x00307450 0x00C52821 #Inf Grenades ;Never run out of grenades 0x005fd820 0x05580558 0x005fd824 0x001409C8 0x005fd828 0x0000001E #Rapid Fire ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Shoot really fast 0x002826c0 0x1000000B #Rapid Infinite Zx Burst ;Shoot unlimited burst really fast 0x005F8694 0x05580558 0x005F8698 0x001409C8 0x005F869C 0x0000001E 0x005F86A0 0x00000003 0x00632F14 0x05580558 0x00632F18 0x001409C8 0x00632F1C 0x00000001 #Auto M16 A2 ;M16 A2 is fully automatic 0x005f3720 0x001e04cd #Flash ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Walk really fast 0x0055f26c 0x40000000 #Major Crackhead ;Turn Fast 0x0055EE5C 0x40000000 0x0055EE60 0x40000000 0x0055EE64 0x40000000 0x0055EE68 0x40000000 #True Vertical Clipping ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Walk through walls 0x00252794 0x03E00008 #Spiderman ;Climb walls ;Enable Vertical Clipping for best results 0x0055ee38 0xFFFFFFFF #Skywalker ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;If you are on a ledge you can enable and walk the sky 0x00272580 0x03E00008 0x00272584 0x00000000 #Zoom Teleport ;Where you zoom is where you go 0x001baf58 0xE7CD0018 0x001baf68 0xE7CD001C 0x001baf78 0xE7CD0020 #No Recoil ;When shooting your reticle stays in place 0x0027d398 0x03e00008 #No Scope Recoil ;When shooting your scope stays in place 0x002829fc 0x03E00008 0x00282a00 0x00000000 #FTB1 Lock-On Style ;Allows you to run while locking on 0x004c7750 0x4B400000 #Lock on AT4 and RPG ;Lock on with your AT4 or RPG 0x005FEAD4 0x00000001 0x005FEDF8 0x00000001 #One Shot Kill ;One shot and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ee938 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005eeb10 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005eece8 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005eeec0 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef098 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef270 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef448 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef620 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef7f8 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef9d0 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005efba8 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005efd80 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005eff58 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005f0130 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005f0308 0xFFFFFFFF #2 Shot Kill ;Two shots and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0x000001FA #3 Shot Kill ;Three shots and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0x0000015E #4 Shot Kill ;Four shots and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0x000000FA #20 Shot Kill ;Twenty shots and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0x00000032 #Stronger Guns ;Your guns are stronger than normal 0x005ee760 0x2F0F0123 0x005ee938 0x2F0F0123 0x005eeb10 0x2F0F0123 0x005eece8 0x2F0F0123 0x005eeec0 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef098 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef270 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef448 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef620 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef7f8 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef9d0 0x2F0F0123 0x005efba8 0x2F0F0123 0x005efd80 0x2F0F0123 0x005eff58 0x2F0F0123 0x005f0130 0x2F0F0123 0x005f0308 0x2F0F0123 #Silent Death ;Does not display who you kill ;STG-77 0x005f5058 0x000000FF ;SR-22 0x005f55cc 0x000000FF ;SFCR-LW 0x005f45dc 0x000000FF ;M8 0x005f5bac 0x000000FF ;M4 A1 0x005f3a40 0x000000FF #Shoot Through Walls ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Bullets pierce walls 0x0011889c 0x03E00008 0x001188a0 0x00000000 #See Through Walls ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;See right through the walls 0x00517fa8 0x00000000 0x00517fac 0x00FFFFFF #Sensitive Shot ;Radar shows locations of more bullets 0x0049AAB0 0x00000074 0x0049AAB4 0x6E616373 0x0049AAB8 0x00000000 0x0049AABC 0x00006E61 0x0049AAB0 0x00000000 0x0049AAB4 0x00796461 0x0049AAB8 0x22000010 #Switch Force Start ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Switch team Forces the game to start ;You must be host 0x0014913C 0x0a252451 0x0059E4A8 0x46207D74 0x0059E4AC 0x6563726F 0x0059E4B0 0x6D614720 0x0059E4B4 0x00000065 #Force Green Up ;Everyone will green up ;You must be host 0x001491D0 0x0a252451 0x001491D4 0x00000000 #Fast Lobby Switch ;Press Select to start it 0x00014120 0x00000000 0x00014240 0x34020000 #Vote Withdrawn ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;When a person votes it says they withdrew their vote 0x00101ce8 0x00000000 #Full Screen Scope ;Your scope takes up the screen 0x001e4c68 0x3C044080 #No Crosshair ;You have no crosshair 0x0033749C 0x03E00008 0x003374AC 0x00000000 #Crosshair Large ;Your crosshair is larger 0x0027d4c8 0x3C044080 #Weird Lock-On ;Hold R while Running to turn 0x004c7754 0x4B400000 #Mute ;Mutes all weapon sounds 0x004F9318 0x41111110 #No Fog ;The fog from zooming in and out is gone ;Set Cheat Hz to 15/1000 0x004bf8e0 0xBF800000 #All Active Weapons 0x005f3484 0x00000000 0x005f3a40 0x00000000 0x005fcaac 0x00000000 0x005fae48 0x00000000 0x005f7574 0x00000000 0x005f3ffc 0x00000000 0x005f45dc 0x00000000 0x005f4bbc 0x00000000 0x005f5058 0x00000000 0x005f55cc 0x00000000 0x005f5bac 0x00000000 0x005f6090 0x00000000 0x005f64bc 0x00000000 0x005f68c4 0x00000000 0x005f6cac 0x00000000 0x005f71b4 0x00000000 0x005f7674 0x00000000 0x005f7b30 0x00000000 0x005f7ff0 0x00000000 0x005f84b0 0x00000000 0x005f89b8 0x00000000 0x005f8e78 0x00000000 0x005f9274 0x00000000 0x005f962c 0x00000000 0x005f9a34 0x00000000 0x005f9e40 0x00000000 0x005fa24c 0x00000000 0x005fa558 0x00000000 0x005faa64 0x00000000 0x005fae48 0x00000000 0x005fb254 0x00000000 0x005fb634 0x00000000 0x005fba14 0x00000000 0x005fbdf4 0x00000000 0x005fc1d4 0x00000000 0x005fc5b0 0x00000000 0x005fc98c 0x00000000 0x005fcd14 0x00000000 0x005fd090 0x00000000 0x005fd408 0x00000000 0x005fd780 0x00000000 0x005fdaf8 0x00000000 0x005fde70 0x00000000 0x005fe184 0x00000000 0x005fe498 0x00000000 0x005fe7a4 0x00000000 0x005fedd0 0x00000000 0x005ff0f4 0x00000000 0x005ff3f8 0x00000000 0x005ff700 0x00000000 0x005ffa00 0x00000000 0x005f300c 0x00000000 0x006321a8 0x00000000 0x006325bc 0x00000000 0x006329dc 0x00000000 0x00632df0 0x00000000 0x00633200 0x00000000 0x00633a24 0x00000000 0x00633614 0x00000000 0x00633e64 0x00000000 #Offline Weapons Online 0x005f9308 0x00000005 0x005fdfe8 0x00000014 0x005fdfec 0x00000000 0x005FdFF0 0x00000000 0x005FdFF4 0x00000016 0x005FdEC0 0x00000001 0x005Ff0E4 0x3EB2B8C2 0x005Ff0E8 0x3EB2B8C2 0x005Ff0EC 0x00000000 0x005FdE8C 0x55A51DAB 0x005FdE90 0xA6A0D607 0x005FdE6C 0x443B8000 0x005FdE70 0x00000081 0x005F71B4 0x00000097 0x005FdE74 0x75CED306 0x005FdE78 0x000105A0 0x00632DF0 0x000000AD 0x00632DF8 0x00045108 0x00632F04 0x000453A8 0x005Fd090 0x0000007D 0x005F8E7C 0x00AE951C 0x005F8E74 0x449C4000 0x005F8E98 0xE5B46593 0x005F9270 0x449C4000 0x005F9274 0x00000097 0x005F9278 0x00AE951C 0x005F9294 0xE5B46593 0x005Fb254 0x0000004C 0x00633618 0x5534A56F 0x005Fc9DC 0x00000000 0x005Fd4AC 0x00000008 0x005Fd4B0 0x0000001E 0x005FdAF4 0x44BB8000 0x005FdAF8 0x00000079 0x005FdAFC 0xB6A2F3FB #Less Lethal M4-90 Online ;Less Lethal M4-90 available online 0x005FB634 0x00000049 0x005FB638 0x2A5270C5 #M7-3A Online ;M7-3A available online 0x005FCD14 0x0000007D 0x005FCD18 0xB6A2F3FB #Stinger Online ;Stinger grenades available online 0x005FDAF4 0x44BB8000 0x005FDAF8 0x00000079 0x005FDAFC 0xB6A2F3FB #Double-Barreled Shotguns ;Two barrels on your shotgun 0x005fb318 0x000A000A 0x005fb31c 0x003C064B 0x005fb320 0x00000064 0x005fbad8 0x000A000A 0x005fbadc 0x003C064B 0x005fbae0 0x00000064 0x005fbeb8 0x000A000A 0x005fbebc 0x003C064B 0x005fbec0 0x00000064 #See No Explosions ;When something explode you do not see it 0x00352608 0x03E00008 #Bouncing Rockets ;Rockets bounce of surroundings 0x005f13a4 0x00001B58 0x005f157c 0x00001B58 #Mine Rockets ;Mines for rockets 0x005f1398 0x00000000 0x005f1570 0x00000000 #Throw PMNS ;Choose PMNs then throw them 0x005fc9b4 0x00000001 #Throw Rockets 0x006fcafc 0x00000001 0x006fcb20 0x00000001 #Perfect Target-Lock ;Aims for the head 0x0055f184 0x00000000 0x0055f188 0x00000000 0x0055F18c 0x00000000 0x0055F190 0x00000000 0x0055F194 0x00000000 0x0055F198 0x00000000 0x0055F19c 0x00000000 0x0055F1A0 0x00000000 0x0055F1A4 0x00000000 0x0055F1A8 0x00000000 0x0055F1AC 0x00000000 0x0055f1d8 0x00000000 0x0055f1dc 0x00000000 0x0055f1e0 0x00000000 0x0055f1e4 0x00000000 0x0055f1e8 0x00000000 #Throw Distance ;Inc TD by .5 (L + ^) ;Dec TD by .5 (L + \/) 0x001db508 0x0e32f044 0x004bc100 0x4d746547 0x004bc104 0xe771b95a 0x004bc108 0x006f7250 0x004bc110 0x3c0809a8 0x004bc114 0x3c0908d6 0x004bc118 0x850ae1e4 0x004bc11c 0x240b0110 0x004bc120 0x154b0007 0x004bc128 0x8d2cf0cc 0x004bc12c 0x3c0d003b 0x004bc130 0x018d7020 0x004bc134 0xad2ef0cc 0x004bc138 0x10000009 0x004bc140 0x240c0140 0x004bc144 0x154c0006 0x004bc14c 0x8d2df0cc 0x004bc150 0x3c0e003b 0x004bc154 0x01ae7822 0x004bc158 0xad2ff0cc 0x004bc15c 0x03e00008 #Unnoticeable Throw Distance ;Throw grenades a little further 0x0055f0cc 0x446A4000 0x0055f0d0 0x44578000 #1.5 Throw Distance ;Throw grenades 1.5 times further 0x0055f0cc 0x446A4000 #2x Throw Distance ;Throw grenades 2 times further 0x0055f0cc 0x44af0000 0x0055f0d0 0x44af0000 #4x Throw Distance ;Throw grenades 4 times further 0x0055f0cc 0x451C0000 0x0055f0d0 0x451C0000 #Play Dead ;You can still play when you die 0x0026CCB0 0x03E00008 #Play Dead Off ;Disables the play dead code 0x0026CCB0 0x27BDFF90 #Zero Gravity ;Float like the astronauts do 0x0055ee28 0x00000000 #Low Gravity ;Float like the astronauts do 0x0055EE20 0x423C0000 #Perfect Traction ;Move more stably 0x004C82FC 0xFFFFFFFF #Underglow ;You glow 0x00140C30 0x00000000 0x00140D88 0x00000000 #Unnoticeable Turn Speed ;Turn unnoticeably faster 0x0055EE5C 0x3FCCCCCD 0x0055EE60 0x3FB33333 0x0055EE64 0x3FCCCCCD 0x0055EE68 0x3FE00000 #Huge Weapon Pickup Range ;Pickup weapons basically anywhere 0x0055eef0 0x45000000 #Huge Defuse Bomb Range ;Defuse a bomb from basically anywhere 0x0055EEF8 0x50000000 #Bomb Pops to You Instantly ;The bomb will come straight to you 0x00265F90 0x00000000 0x00265F68 0x3C044500 #Uncontrollable View ;The camera view goes all crazy 0x0055f008 0x4EEEEEEEE #Tint Map ;Map has a little higher contrast 0x00517fa8 0x00000000 0x00517fac 0xFFFFFFFF #Film Grain mode ;Gives the effect of an old movie ;Set Cheat Hz to 15/1000 0x0053833c 0x00000001 #Blue Shadow Tint ;Map has a blue tint 0x00517FB0 0x340800FF #Color Illusions ;Water and smoke are illusions 0x00503710 0x0000015 #Shroom Vision ;Your screen looks like your high ;Set Cheat Hz to 15/1000 0x0053833c 0x00000000 0x00541dd0 0x01010101 #Unlimited Medkits ;Heal yourself as much as you like 0x005ff194 0x05580558 #M203/Non-Explosive rooms 1.50 ;Use the M203 in Non-Explosive rooms 0x006321a8 0x000000FF #Round Time Mod 45 min ;Allows each round to be 45 minutes ;Must have time set to 30 min 0x000B4004 0x3C0442B4 #Round Time Mod 1 Hour ;Allows each round to be 1 hour ;Must have time set to 30 min 0x000B4004 0x3C0442F0 #Round Time Mod 2 Hours ;Allows each round to be 2 hours ;Must have time set to 30 min 0x000B4004 0x3C044370 #E13 Rank Up 0x0004FC2C 0x24067FFF 0x0004FC40 0x24060000 0x0004FC18 0x3c068FFF 0x0004FBF8 0x3c068FFF #E19 Rank Up ;Get high on the leaderboards 0x0004FCF0 0x3EE68000 0x0004FD24 0x24068000 0x0004FD38 0x24068000 0x0004FD94 0x3C068000 0x0004FD60 0x3C068000 0x0004FDA8 0x3EE68000 0x0004FD10 0x3EE68000 #E19 Suck ;Get low on the leaderboards 0x0004FD24 0x24067FFF 0x0004FD38 0x24067FFF 0x0004FD10 0x3C068000 0x0004FCF0 0x3C068000 0x0004FD60 0x24068000 0x0004FD94 0x24068000 0x0004FDA8 0x3EE68000 #Anti Server lock/Anti Blacklist 0x004191F0 0x0A331000 0x004C5C44 0x0988FBC0 0x004C5C48 0x09890E00 0x004C5D50 0x3C0908CC 0x004C5D54 0x8D383FD0 0x004C5D58 0x8D393FD4 0x004C5D5C 0x13380009 0x004C5D60 0x240E007B 0x004C5D64 0x830F0000 0x004C5D68 0x15EE0003 0x004C5D6C 0x240E0020 0x004C5D70 0xA30E0000 0x004C5D74 0x1000FFF7 0x004C5D78 0x27180001 0x004C5D7C 0x03E00008 #Anti Clan Invite 0x00585198 0x20000000 0x005851b0 0x4e000000 0x0048a990 0x00206e61 0x0048a97c 0x69200000 #Switch Teams ;Press nav points to switch in game 0x001858C8 0x0E252436 0x001858CC 0x00000000 0x00496B14 0x4D414554 0x00496B18 0x49575320 0x00496B1C 0x00484354 0x00496B20 0x4D414554 0x00496B24 0x49575320 0x00496B28 0x00484354 #Third Party ;Allows you to kill your team 0x00303c84 0x03E00008 #No Vote ;You do not get voted 0x000CF908 0x00000000 #Instant Respawn ;No respawn time 0x00014dac 0x10000010 #Large Name ;Names are large 0x001b9878 0x3C05FFFF #Extended Text Chat (63) ;Type more in text chats 0x00A5160C 0x33362852 0x00A51618 0x36285345 0x00A5161C 0x54202933 #Extended Game Name (90) ;Get more characters in your game name 0x00AA1838 0x39285241 0x00AA183C 0x4D202930 0x00AA1848 0x20293039 #Extended Clan Name (30) ;Get more characters in your clan name 0x00A7C1A0 0x29303328 #Extended Clan Tag (15) ;Get more characters in your clan tag 0x00A7C210 0x54293531 0x00A8B958 0x35312852 0x00A8B95C 0x54495429 #Inf Command Equality ;Unlimited CE 0x0051747C 0x000F423F #Superb LI ;Raise your LI to superb 0x00517480 0x000F423F
srry the I last wrote were fooged up. ;SOCOM FIRETEAM BRAVO 2 ;Patch Version 1.50 Codes ;--SA7VDJVIA7V--'s Uber Hax #Anti 35 (1) ;Thanx to Silo, NOFX and little by --SA&VDJVIA7V-- ;Ported by DemonSpawn/PspNoobz this works iv been using it for a while 0x002E54FC 0x00000000 #Anti 35 (2) ;Silo+NOFX 0x0037ba50 0x00000000 #Anti Error 12 ;Credit smokin ;Cheat Hz 31 0x00503D1C 0x00000003 #Inf Health ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Never die 0x0026d07c 0x03e00008 0x0026d080 0x00000000 0x0026d958 0x03e00008 0x0026d95c 0x00000000 #True No Fall Damage ;When you fall you do not lose health 0x005D2FD4 0x477A0000 0x0055EE50 0x477A0000 0x0055EE54 0x477A0000 #No Knee Break ;When you fall your knees do not break 0x00261FB0 0x03E00008 0x00261FB4 0x00000000 #No Shotgun Knock Back ;No falling to the ground from shotguns 0X004982A4 0x447A0000 #Infinite Ammo ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Never run out of ammo 0x00307450 0x00C52821 #Inf Grenades ;Never run out of grenades 0x005fd820 0x05580558 0x005fd824 0x001409C8 0x005fd828 0x0000001E #Rapid Fire ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Shoot really fast 0x002826c0 0x1000000B #Rapid Infinite Zx Burst ;Shoot unlimited burst really fast 0x005F8694 0x05580558 0x005F8698 0x001409C8 0x005F869C 0x0000001E 0x005F86A0 0x00000003 0x00632F14 0x05580558 0x00632F18 0x001409C8 0x00632F1C 0x00000001 #Auto M16 A2 ;M16 A2 is fully automatic 0x005f3720 0x001e04cd #Flash ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Walk really fast 0x0055f26c 0x40000000 #Major Crackhead ;Turn Fast 0x0055EE5C 0x40000000 0x0055EE60 0x40000000 0x0055EE64 0x40000000 0x0055EE68 0x40000000 #True Vertical Clipping ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Walk through walls 0x00252794 0x03E00008 #Spiderman ;Climb walls ;Enable Vertical Clipping for best results 0x0055ee38 0xFFFFFFFF #Skywalker ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;If you are on a ledge you can enable and walk the sky 0x00272580 0x03E00008 0x00272584 0x00000000 #Zoom Teleport ;Where you zoom is where you go 0x001baf58 0xE7CD0018 0x001baf68 0xE7CD001C 0x001baf78 0xE7CD0020 #No Recoil ;When shooting your reticle stays in place 0x0027d398 0x03e00008 #No Scope Recoil ;When shooting your scope stays in place 0x002829fc 0x03E00008 0x00282a00 0x00000000 #FTB1 Lock-On Style ;Allows you to run while locking on 0x004c7750 0x4B400000 #Lock on AT4 and RPG ;Lock on with your AT4 or RPG 0x005FEAD4 0x00000001 0x005FEDF8 0x00000001 #One Shot Kill ;One shot and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ee938 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005eeb10 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005eece8 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005eeec0 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef098 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef270 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef448 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef620 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef7f8 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005ef9d0 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005efba8 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005efd80 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005eff58 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005f0130 0xFFFFFFFF 0x005f0308 0xFFFFFFFF #2 Shot Kill ;Two shots and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0x000001FA #3 Shot Kill ;Three shots and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0x0000015E #4 Shot Kill ;Four shots and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0x000000FA #20 Shot Kill ;Twenty shots and your enemy dies 0x005ee760 0x00000032 #Stronger Guns ;Your guns are stronger than normal 0x005ee760 0x2F0F0123 0x005ee938 0x2F0F0123 0x005eeb10 0x2F0F0123 0x005eece8 0x2F0F0123 0x005eeec0 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef098 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef270 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef448 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef620 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef7f8 0x2F0F0123 0x005ef9d0 0x2F0F0123 0x005efba8 0x2F0F0123 0x005efd80 0x2F0F0123 0x005eff58 0x2F0F0123 0x005f0130 0x2F0F0123 0x005f0308 0x2F0F0123 #Silent Death ;Does not display who you kill ;STG-77 0x005f5058 0x000000FF ;SR-22 0x005f55cc 0x000000FF ;SFCR-LW 0x005f45dc 0x000000FF ;M8 0x005f5bac 0x000000FF ;M4 A1 0x005f3a40 0x000000FF #Shoot Through Walls ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Bullets pierce walls 0x0011889c 0x03E00008 0x001188a0 0x00000000 #See Through Walls ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;See right through the walls 0x00517fa8 0x00000000 0x00517fac 0x00FFFFFF #Sensitive Shot ;Radar shows locations of more bullets 0x0049AAB0 0x00000074 0x0049AAB4 0x6E616373 0x0049AAB8 0x00000000 0x0049AABC 0x00006E61 0x0049AAB0 0x00000000 0x0049AAB4 0x00796461 0x0049AAB8 0x22000010 #Switch Force Start ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;Switch team Forces the game to start ;You must be host 0x0014913C 0x0a252451 0x0059E4A8 0x46207D74 0x0059E4AC 0x6563726F 0x0059E4B0 0x6D614720 0x0059E4B4 0x00000065 #Force Green Up ;Everyone will green up ;You must be host 0x001491D0 0x0a252451 0x001491D4 0x00000000 #Fast Lobby Switch ;Press Select to start it 0x00014120 0x00000000 0x00014240 0x34020000 #Vote Withdrawn ;Ported by JohnnyMcKinney ;PSPDiscussions.com ;When a person votes it says they withdrew their vote 0x00101ce8 0x00000000 #Full Screen Scope ;Your scope takes up the screen 0x001e4c68 0x3C044080 #No Crosshair ;You have no crosshair 0x0033749C 0x03E00008 0x003374AC 0x00000000 #Crosshair Large ;Your crosshair is larger 0x0027d4c8 0x3C044080 #Weird Lock-On ;Hold R while Running to turn 0x004c7754 0x4B400000 #Mute ;Mutes all weapon sounds 0x004F9318 0x41111110 #No Fog ;The fog from zooming in and out is gone ;Set Cheat Hz to 15/1000 0x004bf8e0 0xBF800000 #All Active Weapons 0x005f3484 0x00000000 0x005f3a40 0x00000000 0x005fcaac 0x00000000 0x005fae48 0x00000000 0x005f7574 0x00000000 0x005f3ffc 0x00000000 0x005f45dc 0x00000000 0x005f4bbc 0x00000000 0x005f5058 0x00000000 0x005f55cc 0x00000000 0x005f5bac 0x00000000 0x005f6090 0x00000000 0x005f64bc 0x00000000 0x005f68c4 0x00000000 0x005f6cac 0x00000000 0x005f71b4 0x00000000 0x005f7674 0x00000000 0x005f7b30 0x00000000 0x005f7ff0 0x00000000 0x005f84b0 0x00000000 0x005f89b8 0x00000000 0x005f8e78 0x00000000 0x005f9274 0x00000000 0x005f962c 0x00000000 0x005f9a34 0x00000000 0x005f9e40 0x00000000 0x005fa24c 0x00000000 0x005fa558 0x00000000 0x005faa64 0x00000000 0x005fae48 0x00000000 0x005fb254 0x00000000 0x005fb634 0x00000000 0x005fba14 0x00000000 0x005fbdf4 0x00000000 0x005fc1d4 0x00000000 0x005fc5b0 0x00000000 0x005fc98c 0x00000000 0x005fcd14 0x00000000 0x005fd090 0x00000000 0x005fd408 0x00000000 0x005fd780 0x00000000 0x005fdaf8 0x00000000 0x005fde70 0x00000000 0x005fe184 0x00000000 0x005fe498 0x00000000 0x005fe7a4 0x00000000 0x005fedd0 0x00000000 0x005ff0f4 0x00000000 0x005ff3f8 0x00000000 0x005ff700 0x00000000 0x005ffa00 0x00000000 0x005f300c 0x00000000 0x006321a8 0x00000000 0x006325bc 0x00000000 0x006329dc 0x00000000 0x00632df0 0x00000000 0x00633200 0x00000000 0x00633a24 0x00000000 0x00633614 0x00000000 0x00633e64 0x00000000 #Offline Weapons Online 0x005f9308 0x00000005 0x005fdfe8 0x00000014 0x005fdfec 0x00000000 0x005FdFF0 0x00000000 0x005FdFF4 0x00000016 0x005FdEC0 0x00000001 0x005Ff0E4 0x3EB2B8C2 0x005Ff0E8 0x3EB2B8C2 0x005Ff0EC 0x00000000 0x005FdE8C 0x55A51DAB 0x005FdE90 0xA6A0D607 0x005FdE6C 0x443B8000 0x005FdE70 0x00000081 0x005F71B4 0x00000097 0x005FdE74 0x75CED306 0x005FdE78 0x000105A0 0x00632DF0 0x000000AD 0x00632DF8 0x00045108 0x00632F04 0x000453A8 0x005Fd090 0x0000007D 0x005F8E7C 0x00AE951C 0x005F8E74 0x449C4000 0x005F8E98 0xE5B46593 0x005F9270 0x449C4000 0x005F9274 0x00000097 0x005F9278 0x00AE951C 0x005F9294 0xE5B46593 0x005Fb254 0x0000004C 0x00633618 0x5534A56F 0x005Fc9DC 0x00000000 0x005Fd4AC 0x00000008 0x005Fd4B0 0x0000001E 0x005FdAF4 0x44BB8000 0x005FdAF8 0x00000079 0x005FdAFC 0xB6A2F3FB #Less Lethal M4-90 Online ;Less Lethal M4-90 available online 0x005FB634 0x00000049 0x005FB638 0x2A5270C5 #M7-3A Online ;M7-3A available online 0x005FCD14 0x0000007D 0x005FCD18 0xB6A2F3FB #Stinger Online ;Stinger grenades available online 0x005FDAF4 0x44BB8000 0x005FDAF8 0x00000079 0x005FDAFC 0xB6A2F3FB #Double-Barreled Shotguns ;Two barrels on your shotgun 0x005fb318 0x000A000A 0x005fb31c 0x003C064B 0x005fb320 0x00000064 0x005fbad8 0x000A000A 0x005fbadc 0x003C064B 0x005fbae0 0x00000064 0x005fbeb8 0x000A000A 0x005fbebc 0x003C064B 0x005fbec0 0x00000064 #See No Explosions ;When something explode you do not see it 0x00352608 0x03E00008 #Bouncing Rockets ;Rockets bounce of surroundings 0x005f13a4 0x00001B58 0x005f157c 0x00001B58 #Mine Rockets ;Mines for rockets 0x005f1398 0x00000000 0x005f1570 0x00000000 #Throw PMNS ;Choose PMNs then throw them 0x005fc9b4 0x00000001 #Throw Rockets 0x006fcafc 0x00000001 0x006fcb20 0x00000001 #Perfect Target-Lock ;Aims for the head 0x0055f184 0x00000000 0x0055f188 0x00000000 0x0055F18c 0x00000000 0x0055F190 0x00000000 0x0055F194 0x00000000 0x0055F198 0x00000000 0x0055F19c 0x00000000 0x0055F1A0 0x00000000 0x0055F1A4 0x00000000 0x0055F1A8 0x00000000 0x0055F1AC 0x00000000 0x0055f1d8 0x00000000 0x0055f1dc 0x00000000 0x0055f1e0 0x00000000 0x0055f1e4 0x00000000 0x0055f1e8 0x00000000 #Throw Distance ;Inc TD by .5 (L + ^) ;Dec TD by .5 (L + \/) 0x001db508 0x0e32f044 0x004bc100 0x4d746547 0x004bc104 0xe771b95a 0x004bc108 0x006f7250 0x004bc110 0x3c0809a8 0x004bc114 0x3c0908d6 0x004bc118 0x850ae1e4 0x004bc11c 0x240b0110 0x004bc120 0x154b0007 0x004bc128 0x8d2cf0cc 0x004bc12c 0x3c0d003b 0x004bc130 0x018d7020 0x004bc134 0xad2ef0cc 0x004bc138 0x10000009 0x004bc140 0x240c0140 0x004bc144 0x154c0006 0x004bc14c 0x8d2df0cc 0x004bc150 0x3c0e003b 0x004bc154 0x01ae7822 0x004bc158 0xad2ff0cc 0x004bc15c 0x03e00008 #Unnoticeable Throw Distance ;Throw grenades a little further 0x0055f0cc 0x446A4000 0x0055f0d0 0x44578000 #1.5 Throw Distance ;Throw grenades 1.5 times further 0x0055f0cc 0x446A4000 #2x Throw Distance ;Throw grenades 2 times further 0x0055f0cc 0x44af0000 0x0055f0d0 0x44af0000 #4x Throw Distance ;Throw grenades 4 times further 0x0055f0cc 0x451C0000 0x0055f0d0 0x451C0000 #Play Dead ;You can still play when you die 0x0026CCB0 0x03E00008 #Play Dead Off ;Disables the play dead code 0x0026CCB0 0x27BDFF90 #Zero Gravity ;Float like the astronauts do 0x0055ee28 0x00000000 #Low Gravity ;Float like the astronauts do 0x0055EE20 0x423C0000 #Perfect Traction ;Move more stably 0x004C82FC 0xFFFFFFFF #Underglow ;You glow 0x00140C30 0x00000000 0x00140D88 0x00000000 #Unnoticeable Turn Speed ;Turn unnoticeably faster 0x0055EE5C 0x3FCCCCCD 0x0055EE60 0x3FB33333 0x0055EE64 0x3FCCCCCD 0x0055EE68 0x3FE00000 #Huge Weapon Pickup Range ;Pickup weapons basically anywhere 0x0055eef0 0x45000000 #Huge Defuse Bomb Range ;Defuse a bomb from basically anywhere 0x0055EEF8 0x50000000 #Bomb Pops to You Instantly ;The bomb will come straight to you 0x00265F90 0x00000000 0x00265F68 0x3C044500 #Uncontrollable View ;The camera view goes all crazy 0x0055f008 0x4EEEEEEEE #Tint Map ;Map has a little higher contrast 0x00517fa8 0x00000000 0x00517fac 0xFFFFFFFF #Film Grain mode ;Gives the effect of an old movie ;Set Cheat Hz to 15/1000 0x0053833c 0x00000001 #Blue Shadow Tint ;Map has a blue tint 0x00517FB0 0x340800FF #Color Illusions ;Water and smoke are illusions 0x00503710 0x0000015 #Shroom Vision ;Your screen looks like your high ;Set Cheat Hz to 15/1000 0x0053833c 0x00000000 0x00541dd0 0x01010101 #Unlimited Medkits ;Heal yourself as much as you like 0x005ff194 0x05580558 #M203/Non-Explosive rooms 1.50 ;Use the M203 in Non-Explosive rooms 0x006321a8 0x000000FF #Round Time Mod 45 min ;Allows each round to be 45 minutes ;Must have time set to 30 min 0x000B4004 0x3C0442B4 #Round Time Mod 1 Hour ;Allows each round to be 1 hour ;Must have time set to 30 min 0x000B4004 0x3C0442F0 #Round Time Mod 2 Hours ;Allows each round to be 2 hours ;Must have time set to 30 min 0x000B4004 0x3C044370 #E13 Rank Up 0x0004FC2C 0x24067FFF 0x0004FC40 0x24060000 0x0004FC18 0x3c068FFF 0x0004FBF8 0x3c068FFF #E19 Rank Up ;Get high on the leaderboards 0x0004FCF0 0x3EE68000 0x0004FD24 0x24068000 0x0004FD38 0x24068000 0x0004FD94 0x3C068000 0x0004FD60 0x3C068000 0x0004FDA8 0x3EE68000 0x0004FD10 0x3EE68000 #E19 Suck ;Get low on the leaderboards 0x0004FD24 0x24067FFF 0x0004FD38 0x24067FFF 0x0004FD10 0x3C068000 0x0004FCF0 0x3C068000 0x0004FD60 0x24068000 0x0004FD94 0x24068000 0x0004FDA8 0x3EE68000 #Anti Server lock/Anti Blacklist 0x004191F0 0x0A331000 0x004C5C44 0x0988FBC0 0x004C5C48 0x09890E00 0x004C5D50 0x3C0908CC 0x004C5D54 0x8D383FD0 0x004C5D58 0x8D393FD4 0x004C5D5C 0x13380009 0x004C5D60 0x240E007B 0x004C5D64 0x830F0000 0x004C5D68 0x15EE0003 0x004C5D6C 0x240E0020 0x004C5D70 0xA30E0000 0x004C5D74 0x1000FFF7 0x004C5D78 0x27180001 0x004C5D7C 0x03E00008 #Anti Clan Invite 0x00585198 0x20000000 0x005851b0 0x4e000000 0x0048a990 0x00206e61 0x0048a97c 0x69200000 #Switch Teams ;Press nav points to switch in game 0x001858C8 0x0E252436 0x001858CC 0x00000000 0x00496B14 0x4D414554 0x00496B18 0x49575320 0x00496B1C 0x00484354 0x00496B20 0x4D414554 0x00496B24 0x49575320 0x00496B28 0x00484354 #Third Party ;Allows you to kill your team 0x00303c84 0x03E00008 #No Vote ;You do not get voted 0x000CF908 0x00000000 #Instant Respawn ;No respawn time 0x00014dac 0x10000010 #Large Name ;Names are large 0x001b9878 0x3C05FFFF #Extended Text Chat (63) ;Type more in text chats 0x00A5160C 0x33362852 0x00A51618 0x36285345 0x00A5161C 0x54202933 #Extended Game Name (90) ;Get more characters in your game name 0x00AA1838 0x39285241 0x00AA183C 0x4D202930 0x00AA1848 0x20293039 #Extended Clan Name (30) ;Get more characters in your clan name 0x00A7C1A0 0x29303328 #Extended Clan Tag (15) ;Get more characters in your clan tag 0x00A7C210 0x54293531 0x00A8B958 0x35312852 0x00A8B95C 0x54495429 #Inf Command Equality ;Unlimited CE 0x0051747C 0x000F423F #Superb LI ;Raise your LI to superb 0x00517480 0x000F423F
#Lockon Scope\Full Screen ;pspnoobzrus\Demonspawn 0x0027ac3c 0x34020000 0x0027ac6c 0x28c20000 0x0027ac70 0x38420000 im not taking credit just posting
ty for joining that code u posted looks great i go tryz it out later
hey i just finished an animator i gonna post it l8r i think, but does anyone got any cool ideas for an animation???
hey ... i made a few animators for this site will put it tom .... nEW to the group
Hey guys I'm new in thus group I just joined now I hope U find me usefull I can help with anything but I can't help with blackliste or unblacklisting or boottags sorry but U get the idea...lol
Hey guys i'm new in this group,I hope U find me usefull.
I can help U with anything but I can't help U with blackliste tags/unbacklisting urself/boot tags <- these things are the ones I can't help u with sorry...:(
I have a code that kills hackes I hope it helps U with fare fights I don't take cerdit for this. #No Restrictions ;Knife, Rifle Butt, Weapon pickup ;KILL HACKERS! 0x00503D18 0x00000000 best codes yet enjoy #Anti No Restrictions ;MURDANICK 0x0026ccb0 0x03e00008 0x0026ccb4 0x00000000 enjoy! :)