Should we use color.

  1. CoDeX
    Should we use color instead of just black and white?
  2. fucku1
    NO Color looks bad Black and White GOOD!
  3. Blue
  4. CoDeX
    How do you feel about gray?
  5. CoDeX
  6. Dubstepper
    gray is cool wtf is that pic suposed to be?
  7. fucku1
    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! Black and White only <.<
  8. Bearrr
    it looks like and ass face from south park haha.. I vote use color sometimes.
  9. DawnsRayofLight
    Man stick with black and white, maybe gray, color does not look good in a comic throughout the entire comic. If you use it, this depends on how long the comic is, you can use color to put a random picture of the characters in your comic on that page. That is assuming your comic is rather long instead of a strip or a couple of pages.
  10. CoDeX
    [quote=B.L.A.C.K]wtf is that pic suposed to be?[quote]
    [quote=Bearrr]it looks like and ass face from south park haha..[quote]
    That's a character from the best Graphic Novel/Movie of all time.

    no quote?
Results 1 to 10 of 10