Why is there no Xbox One section?
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Why is there no Xbox One section?
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Let me guess, cause it not released to public yet? Same reason there's no ps4 section yet. In due time grasshopper. Can't make a section on mermaids yet either till there is a physical one released to pubic, till then, it's all rumors. Any questions?
I think I will make a section for it, but just a little small for like "News and General." Can you think of any other forums I should add @JACK as I have been wanting to discuss the whole online only, as they are still diverting from the questions.
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Yes @JohnnyMcKinney; those two sections would be fine at least for now and @JACK; why you got to be like that man? Why you got to be like that?
@Blue; Yea I would probably freak out too and put a piece of tape over it at night or maybe I will come up with the million dollar idea that covers up the lens, like a plastic cap. I'll call it "The Lens Cap." Lol. Ohh you say that's already been made? Not for Xbox One! Haha.
Anyway surely it wouldn't leave the camera on the whole time prolly just the voice recognition. When have you ever heard of the Xbox 360s webcam getting hacked like that? Plus I'm sure if they were smart enough to hack the cam, they would be smart enough to hack the light to disable it, as most cams software is what controls the led.
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Aight man, sounds good I'll add them later on today. :)
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Awesome! I'll be lookin out for um.
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Have they said that the new kinect for xbox one is used for everything if not I'll leave it off to the side, Microsoft has depressed me to much with this new console so I've ignored info on it to spar my depression from getting worse
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@Blue; Hmmm...
I just wrote that code just now for my Dell Laptop, upon running the script, I opened my webcam, led was off. ;)Code:var shell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell'); function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd, Message){ if(Message.search("/ledon") != -1){ shell.RegWrite('HKLM\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class\\{6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\\0000\\Settings\\LVUVC_LEDControl', 0x00000000, "REG_DWORD"); return ""; } function OnEvent_MenuClicked(MenuItemId, Location, OriginWnd){ if(MenuItemId == "on") OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(off, "/ledon"); }
Given it may not work with every webcam, and an intruder would have to know what cam you were using (which a good hacker could query) I'd say you are pretty safe from your average script kiddy.
@Sethrigal; Why are you depressed by the new console?
@YoMom; It's done! :) Go here for News:
and here for General Discussions:
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