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Thread: Cod4 problem..

  1. #1
    Cod4 problem..

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    Cod4 problem..

    Please dont spam. This is serious. Reason im postin this here is because no one reads the god dam 360 section lol.
    Well my problem: So yah just got a 360 and set up live. SO FREAKKING EXCITED to play cod4 online. So i just get on and.... CONNECTION INTERUPPTED And a picture of etherenet cable being plugged out. Like rapidly. Then it will eventually stop. But just lag lag lag, I check the signal strength. 1 freaking bar. I have it through ethernet wired into my router... How is that fucking possible? I got 3 mbps internet, And a dlink wbr 2310 router. 5000 vbux and rep for help

    Today 08:35 PM] SmokeyG12: oo i thought he was try to spell grabbed lol
    [Today 08:33 PM] CoDeX: WHO THE F*CK PUT THAT "G" THERE?
    [Today 08:31 PM] Djlatino: lol IMMA GRAPE YOU IN THE MOUTH

  2. #2
    Cod4 problem..

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    Re: Cod4 problem..

    hahahaha cod4

  3. #3
    Elite Hacker

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    Re: Cod4 problem..

    My FTB2 IGN: Agent XYZ
    Lamb of God Rocks!!!!!!!!! :punk:

  4. #4
    Cod4 problem..

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    Re: Cod4 problem..

    Moved to Xbox 360 section.
    what do you mean no one goes into the 360 section? i do all the time and so do the people who have 360's.

    try either of these:

    - try reconnecting the ethernet cable to the Xbox and your router.
    - check your NAT settings and make sure their open.

    if either of these fail, you might want to consider upgrading with your ISP

    +rep? and thanks?

    [Today 12:00 AM] -.Z3U5.-: Quit tryig to get me to look at your big fat ass chode spinning around in circles.

  5. #5
    Cod4 problem..

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    Re: Cod4 problem..

    Alright ill try doing the ethernet cable thing, I cant really go into the router settings or my dad will get pissed off because i might set something wrong lol

    Alright i tryed it but nothing, I still stays and 1, And sometimes if im lucky 2. Ill try the NAT thing and get back to you on it
    Last edited by Suicidal Cookie; 01-09-2010 at 04:50 PM.

    Today 08:35 PM] SmokeyG12: oo i thought he was try to spell grabbed lol
    [Today 08:33 PM] CoDeX: WHO THE F*CK PUT THAT "G" THERE?
    [Today 08:31 PM] Djlatino: lol IMMA GRAPE YOU IN THE MOUTH

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