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Thread: how to play swf games on your psp

  1. #1
    how to play swf games on your psp

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    Talking how to play swf games on your psp

    this is for nonhacked/hacked psp's it's kinda like a psp portal!!!
    1. ok useing firefox go to ect ect go to the game u want and click save page as and save it to your desktop
    2. the put your psp in to usb mode
    3. make a new folder on the memorystick main root msroot (all the same thing!!!)
    4. name it a 2 to 3 letter word mine is named lap
    5. go to the files u downloaded and find the swf file that u need for the game
    6. copy and past that in to the folder u made
    7. now get out of usb mode and go to internet browser and do that same thing you would to for a portal!! example
      then go their and have fun!!!!
    8. -----------------------------------------------------------------
    9. i am not advertiseing those were just websites that work!!! all others fail!!!!!
    Last edited by Dubstepper; 02-25-2009 at 05:48 PM. Reason: oops

  2. #2
    how to play swf games on your psp

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    Exclamation download of 2 swf games for your psp hacked/nonhacked

    here is 2 popular sockwavegames for u guys + the foulder you put them in drag swf to main root of your memory card
    inteactive buddy
    stress relive paintball
    their are both realy fun
    read the readme
    here are the codes for them


    here is download
    shockwave games for psp .zip

  3. #3
    how to play swf games on your psp

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    Re: how to play swf games on your psp

    nice!lol paintball...

  4. #4
    how to play swf games on your psp

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    Re: how to play swf games on your psp

    rep up if you like

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